Hello Church!
We look forward to worshiping together this Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Click here to view our live stream.
If you’d like to follow along with the order of service, click here for the bulletin.
To join us in singing, find the hymn texts on our music sheet.
We wish you a blessed and restful Sabbath!

July 26, 2020

Dear Friends in Christ-

“The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know  how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.” Romans 8:26

I remember singing a simple song at Summer camp around the campfire that was based on this scripture text and for the past several months we sing a little song before our Intercessory prayers during worship based on these words, too.

With everything going on in the country and in my own personal life, this is a promise I need to be reminded of every day. I love this picture because it seems like a good visual representation of most of my prayers these days.

It also makes me chuckle.

As we pray for guidance as a congregation for the coming weeks and months, we want to share a few things with you.

  • Church leadership continues to monitor the Coronavirus situation in Ward County and if they feel any changes need to occur, we will communicate those to the congregation. We encourage those who are vulnerable or concerned to stay home and continue to access the bulletin at https://flcminot.com/ and to worship with us online firstlutheran.tv or over the radio.
  • Our next Worship in the Parking Lot Service will be Wednesday, August 12 starting with a Youth Fundraiser Root beer Float Social at 6:00 pm and Worship at 7:00 pm.
  • Ministry leaders have begun meeting and imagining what ministry and programing might look like in the Fall. Like most families, we are waiting to hear what proposals the School District rolls out before we make any firm plans, but we are already having conversations about different possible ideas we could do. We recognize that a lot can change in the next couple months, so we don’t want to make any firm decisions yet. We are leaning towards starting with only Outdoor Worship Services in the parking lot on Wednesday nights (classes and dinners pending) starting on September 16. We will keep you posted as more details are known in the coming weeks.

In God’s Grip,

Pastor Ellery



FLC Quilters sent 38 quilts, 22 personal care kits,

and 23 baby layette kits on July 15th to Lutheran World Relief.

Thank you Quilters for your dedication to this ministry!


Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Elaine O. Benson.  Elaine passed away on Saturday, July 18th in Minot.

Her funeral was here at First Lutheran on Thursday, July 23rd.


Garden volunteers needed to help maintain the garden that helps supply fresh vegetables to the Lord’s Cupboard Food Pantry.  Those wishing to volunteer to help in the gardens can do so through Facebook at Lord’s Cupboard Food Pantry or text 701 721 0839