Ministry Overview
God’s Work…Our Hands
First Lutheran Church attempts to support our local community, the surrounding area, and others outside the area — including overseas in many ways.
When a need is identified, we attempt to help overcome, or in some way assist to help with a solution. For instance, we host a meal once a week at “Luther’s Kitchen” in our Parish Center. Another method for reaching out to our local community and beyond is through our Media ministry. Each Sunday, one of our worship services (8:30 am after Labor Day – mid-May & 9:30 am summer) is broadcast on the radio (KRRZ 1390 AM), and right here on our website, with archived services available.
First Lutheran also supports ELCA missionary, Katie Narum Miyamoto, in her work as missionary to Kumamoto, Japan. We also support many other ELCA global missions through-out the year. Our youth are often instrumental in the success of the global mission campaigns!
Other support given to the community here and abroad includes:
- Collection of food for the local food pantry, The Lord’s Cupboard
- Funds to support the work of the Minot Area Homeless Coalition
- Nearly 100 children’s Christmas presents through the Angel Tree Project every year
- Almost 100 quilts constructed and given to Lutheran World Relief by our wonderful quilters each year
- Weekly or monthly meeting space for several community organizations including The Heritage Singers, the Chamber Chorale, The Nodakords, the Boy Scouts and R.E.M.
Please use the following links to find out more regarding a few of these important programs and ministries:
Luther’s Kitchen
Lutheran Campus Ministry
Missionary Katie Narum Miyamoto