
Music is a valued part of our worship and ministry at First Lutheran Church! Our musical ensembles welcome new members at any time. 

Cathedral Choir

The Cathedral Choir rehearses weekly during the academic year under the direction of Arnikka Schreier and accompanied by Rita Sundahl. They offer an anthem 2-3 Sundays each month at the Sunday morning service, as well as during special worship services. 

Campana Ringers & Celebration Ringers
Two handbell ensembles meet weekly on Wednesday evenings during the academic year under the direction of Jeannie Sovak. A handbell piece is typically offered in worship on the third Sunday of each month. The handbell ringers have also offered concerts at local long-term care facilities and are featured in an annual Christmas season concert in our sanctuary.

Worship Ensembles
Several small ensembles exist primarily to lead and support congregational singing during worship, offering a diversity of musical styles. If you are interested in participating, please speak with a pastor or a member of the music staff mentioned above.

Good News Band – Contact the church office

“Special Music”
All music is special at First Lutheran Church, but we often enjoy contributions from soloists and instrumentalists during our worship, particularly in the summer. If you would like to discuss offering a musical piece in worship, please contact a pastor or our organist Rita Sundahl. Rita may be able to accompany you.