Adult Ministry Groups
**To get involved in any of these groups please call the church office at 852-4853 for additional contact information.
First Lutheran Church Women
Circles 3 & 7 usually meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Circles 1, 2, 4, & 6 meet on the 1st Thursday of the month.
Contact person: Loanne O.
Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast
Join us every Thursday morning for Bible Study (currently meeting at The View) at 8:00 am. Everyone is welcome!
Lots of good food and fellowship!
Contact person: Duane B.
Quilters Group
Every Monday morning at 9:00 am in the church basement.
They are in the quilt room and ready to sew!
Contact person: Audrey W.
Prayer Chain
For 36 years, FLC members have prayed for one another and the needs of our neighbors. You can participate in this ministry from your home, and it fits almost any schedule.
Coordinator: Joylea K.
Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild tend to the care and maintenance of the liturgical articles of worship, as well as ensuring that our chancel is prepared for worship each week. This includes setting up for and cleaning up after Holy Communion, changing the paraments as needed for various liturgical seasons and days, and keeping oil in the candles.
Co-Chair: Mary H. & Janet P.
Archive Committee
First Lutheran has a long history which continues to unfold. Our archives committee is working to organize our many historic photos, documents and artifacts, and to display them creatively for the congregation.
Contact: Holly E.
Music Groups
First Lutheran enjoys the contributions of several musical groups within the congregation. For more information, visit our Music page.