Communion at First Lutheran Church

Holy Communion is one of two sacraments in the Lutheran tradition, along with Holy Baptism. Baptism initiates one into life in Christ, and Communion sustains this life. Through the bread and wine, the truly present body and blood of Jesus, we receive grace and forgiveness of sins, as well as strength for the life of discipleship. Because of the importance of this sacrament, and at the command of Jesus recorded in Scripture, our congregation celebrates Holy Communion almost every time we gather for worship.

Holy Communion is the meal of the baptized, and we welcome Christians of all ages to the table at First Lutheran Church.  Then, as a church we strive to provide developmentally appropriate instruction along the way as young believers learn and grow in their faith.  However, it has been tradition that receiving the sacrament for the first time is a special milestone on one’s faith journey, and we will joyfully celebrate with those who share in the meal for the first time this fall.

Who may participate in Holy Communion at First Lutheran Church? Holy Communion is the meal of the baptized–all who are baptized and believe are welcome to the table. You need not be a member of our congregation to receive the gift of Communion. Jesus Christ is both the host of the meal and the meal itself, and we will not bar those for whom Christ has given himself and has invited to the table.

Small children are welcome to the table to receive a blessing. However, baptized children may also begin to commune regularly at the discretion of their parents. Parents are encouraged to determine their child’s readiness for this milestone in conversation with a pastor. 

How will my child prepare for Holy Communion?
 Holy Communion is a topic that will be covered regularly in our faith formation activities for children of all ages. When a child shows readiness to begin receiving Communion, they will be invited to attend a workshop along with their parents. This workshop typically takes place over several hours on a Saturday morning in the fall, with a celebration of First Communion the following Sunday. Throughout their ongoing faith formation activities, young communicants will continue to grow in faith and understanding of this gracious and holy mystery. Further resources and consultation with a pastor on the topic of Holy Communion are always available by request.


Can First Lutheran accommodate dietary restrictions and personal preferences in this meal? Yes. If you need or prefer gluten free wafers, please make that known to the Communion server. Likewise, grape juice rather than wine is available by request. 


 If you have additional questions, please contact our church office and one of the First Lutheran Church pastoral staff will be happy to assist you!