
First Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and we are church together! Below are links to resources that bring awareness of the wider church while supporting lifelong growth in faith and understanding. 


God Pause —
God Pause is a daily devotional brought to you by alumni of Luther Seminary. You can subscribe for free to have a devotion delivered to your e-mail inbox each morning.

Enter the Bible –
Enter the Bible is a site to help everyday disciples and spiritual seekers engage Scripture in ways that are thoughtful, accessible, and faithful. Sign up for a free account to explore the Bible, find Bible studies and self-paced courses, listen to a podcast, and generally dig deeper into Scripture. Timelines, videos, maps and more make this a valuable resource from Luther Seminary.

Living Lutheran –
Living Lutheran is a source for news, reflections and stories from the ELCA and its local and global companions. This monthly publication covers religious news and social issues, congregational life, global and domestic mission, family matters, spiritual practices and resources, and more. If you would like to subscribe to have a copy mailed to your home, contact the church office to receive reduced pricing.

Gather Magazine –
Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions and stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action. Our FLCW circles regularly make use of the Bible study in this magazine.

Augsburg Fortress –
Augsburg Fortress is a great source for Bibles, books and other faith formation resources. Augsburg Fortress is a publishing unit under 1517 Media, the publishing ministry of the ELCA.